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  1. J

    Help with Trisket

    I agree with the other posts as a most likely cause, but did had two other thoughts as well. The first is possible parasites. I know it sounds weird, but I had a mare pick them up (we think from a stall at a show we attended) I couldn't figure out why she the entire winter so darn cranky and...
  2. J

    Just wanna tell you

    It is funny what you can find in the ads although I have been guilty many times of using incorrects terms when talking to non horsey people just because it is easier for them...such as colt. Many people think that is what a young horse is called and I have even seen kids books that say that so I...
  3. J

    Outrageous, fun, different and totally cool horse names

    Greystone, my youngest son has gotten into rock collecting so I'll keep you in mind as I learn more about the names of things. I love being creative so if I think of anything (providing I actually remember - LOL) I will let you know. Some cute names here. I've always thought about using IDF Im...
  4. J

    Teaching a young foal to set up

    I'm pretty much with Disney on this...remember to be patient and VERY repetitive. I use the short pulls also like Lyn said and I also use circles. If they see something ahead (like mom LOL) that they are wanting to get to and they rush ahead. I make them stop and turn a cirlce. If they want to...
  5. J

    In last nights tornado path, please check in!

    We had one go through about 5 miles north of us and another about 10 miles west of us. There seems to be a line right through that path where they seem to track when they come through, but fortunately, we usually miss them. I was worried about Kay. My son is into the weather and a friend of his...
  6. J

    Clipping Lesson

    LOL good thinking. The first piece of knowledge any self respecting horseman, farmer or redneck learns is how to use bailing twine and duct tape to fix anything :lol: :aktion033: I've been there done that myself on the clipping thing. I am fortunate enough to have a heavy duty machine and...
  7. J

    What do our members think of this fund raiser

    Kay, I've been pretty preoccupied with life in general lately and don't hang out here like I used to, but I can't remember if you guys already do a stallion auction. It would be something that could be done online and usually the mare care goes to owner and the stud fees go to the rescue (or...
  8. J

    Trcik Training

    I don't necessarily trick train, but I have found it quite easy to teach a horse to "shake" just like a dog. I start by asking them to pick up their foot when I snap my fingers down close to the fetlock. At first I have to tap them or ask them to pick up the foot by touching it, but it doesn't...
  9. J

    KS, MO, AR, IL people please check in

    We're ok here as well. We had a lot of wind (and are still having 35-40 mph winds all day today) but we missed the worst of it. There was half dollar sized hail that broke some windshields and did some damage about 10 min west of us. Tornados about 15 min south of us and very heavy...
  10. J

    Announcing the 2nd annual L'il Beginnings

    Oh goodie !!!! I had so much fun last year that I've been scheming all winter to think of some fun ideas. I think I may just have one or two you guys will like :bgrin I was hoping we'd do this again. Now I just have to wait for warm weather!
  11. J

    Can you say bad hair day !!!!!

    LOL with those comparisons I should teach him to lip sync and he could earn his keep :lol: Actually, my son gave me the idea for the picture. He was out in the yard while I was messing with the other horses and commented that "Harry" (appropriate name huh : ) looked like he had a fro when you...
  12. J

    Can you say bad hair day !!!!!

    I was out visiting with everyone this evening and was quite amused by the winter growth my boy has going on with his mane. I really need to give him a trim, but he's actually cute like this -in a homely sorta way :bgrin
  13. J

    Hay 20/7

    Just my personal opinion here for what it's worth, but the two main reasons I avoid large round bales are number one, they can be more prone to moldiness and secondly, people have lost sheep, goats and minis to suffocation by the animals eating out the centers and having the outer portion...
  14. J

    I"ve about had it with this place

    Well, I will not continue to post on this particular topic after this reply as even this turned into a whose better than who ordeal, but I did want to say a few last comments. First off, age, experience etc, none of those were called into question. I don't care how young, old, experienced or not...
  15. J

    I"ve about had it with this place

    Mary Lou, please don't feel you should have to go around deleting every post that someone may find a reason to get nasty with. Everyone has a right to express their opinion much as I have done. I just get tired of seeing so many people leave the forum or threaten too because of the way a few...
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    in tears...

    ab_smf , I am sorry some have treated you poorly. If they feel this is a cry for attention or a case of something "fishy" then they can choose to ignore it or do us a favor and post elsewhere, but in the meantime, if you need to talk there are many members including myself who would be glad to...
  17. J

    I"ve about had it with this place

    Ok, first let me say Mary Lou and all those who help keep this place running, I think you do a wonderful job and I realize the whole nature of a forum is free speech by all. What I don't understand is how some of you can be so darned uppity to think you are the only one entitled to ask a...
  18. J

    Any forum friends coming to the watseka clinic?

    ME ME ME ME. I am coming and bringing a friend !!!!!!! Yipee, I finally get to go out and do something fun :bgrin
  19. J

    Detecting Hidden Silver when horse shopping

    One thing to check out is what color are any other offspring from the parents of the horse you're considering. If a horse your looking at has had any foals of their own, what colors were they. Sometimes that's the only real way to know if none of the horses have been tested. If you see silver...
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    Wild Mustangs need help

    Well, I probably won't be very popular here, but I'm with Rabbit on this one. I have said for years that adopting these horses out is in many cases much more cruel than a good marksman. I can see some of the weanlings, maybe yearlings, but after that, many of these horses' natural survival...