Well-Known Member
I love your improv/training cart. How did you make it? Was it difficult? I would love to have one for the gelding I am working with.
Having an awesome time reading the posts and seeing the pictures.
I thought I'd go ahead and post the pics of my 36", 3 year old unregistered gelding (he's about 4 now), Stihl. He's my first horse, and full of personality. Had to break his habit of rearing and all before I even attempted to start training him to cart. Also sacked him out, and did some bomb-proofing exercises.
Started with him about two years ago, with a home made surcingle and his halter. And then ground drove, miles and miles total while getting voice commands established. He was driven by cars, trucks, busses, barking dogs, etc. And the only thing he ever had a problem with was/is drainage culverts. We'd just be jogging along, come up to a culvert, he'd notice and either a) he'd swerve about 10 feet away from the culvert and keep going, or b) screech to a halt and want to turn around. I believe he swears there are trolls in there that want to eat him. He also has a thing for driveways... he always wants to go up them. One thing I did train him to do a little differently is that if he's going to stop, unless I tell him to halt, he's to go to the side of the road. Now, if he hears traffic coming behind, he goes to the side and stops.
About a year ago, I finally got a slightly used betathane harness, and got him used to that a piece at a time, then started ground driving with that. I can only remember one incident with that; a bucking fit when he got to a canter with the crupper just added. A few months after I started hooking him to a garden cart for a little rattle and weight. Never had an issue with it, so I started adding weight to it.
Then, roughly six months ago I finally got a cart. It's not the most beautiful thing on the planet, but it's sturdy. Everything is welded, and aside from the wheels, there isn't a bolt on it.
The pictures are from the first ride I had in the cart with him. This was one of two times he's ever spooked while hooked to the cart. I didn't know that my husband was in the ditch, with the camera, waiting for us to get close enough to take pictures. Both of us jumped, and Stihl swerved to the curb. The only other spook was when I had a failure in the harness at a fun show, and the over check snapped, smacking him in the neck. Other than that, he's been practically bombproof. That includes when we had an oncoming car come within a foot of the cart (we were at least four feet from the yellow line). I was having a heart attack in the seat, and he just kept walking.
Still learning a lot, and we both still have a lot to work on. The saddle is placed a bit further back now, and I'm working on getting larger wheels. Trying to find a parade to take him to this Christmas... have bells and some battery powered lights to "torment" him with.
Katie -Paula,
Awesome write up! It's really nice to hear other people's experiences, especially with 2 year olds! My young girls alternate between having really great days and then some really lackluster days, but typically it is something I can identify that i did wrong. For instance, just the other day I had some daylight so i hitched my 3 year old to my stoneboat type sled so she could haul some manure for me. Well it was a cool day, and neither horse had any exercise in over a week (why must we work all day??). Well, I had an agenda....get the manure in the pasture picked up. I find that when I have an agenda, it typically ends up not working out well. So I hook her up and ask for a walk, which she does but with no steering. So we proceeded to correct that and head for our first pile.. Well, stand apparently had lost all meaning, so I was picking up manure one handed, which is really hard to do, so I could correct her gently if she moved. So, it wasn't going great, but my second mistake was not corralling her little sister, who proceeded to run and bump into her so she couldn't walk a straight line if she wanted to! Needless to say, we ended our manure moving session early. But I did ground drive both mares separately down the road a ways and both did amazing!! So I love hearing your challenges and successes with your little ones!! Keep it coming...
Hi Katie, and thanks!Hi Linz! My mare has a real thing for culverts too, and no one has ever jumped out of one on us!! That would do her in completely in her mistrust of them. she especially hates them when you can hear water moving underneath them. I think it must have something to do with the sound and/or feel of the ground beneath them. Funny though, this same mare walks calmly over wooden bridge. She just doesn't like culverts. Looks like you guys are having an awesome time driving. Great job training her....she's your first horse? Ever? That's a major accomplishment!! Congrats!
Same thing goes for me....sounding like I am all hard nosed with no "touchy-feely"!We have a well-placed "good boy" with a pet and a scratch. I'm just really sick of watching people baby their horses, and they themselves getting hurt because of it. I know one lady who was showing her horse to another lady and her mare actually knocked her down!
She popped back up and made some excuse for the horse, like "Oh, she must be having a bad day..."
If that was my horse, it would have "saw her maker" for the three seconds that John Lyons advocates if a horse is aggressive towards its handler!![]()
I'll try to get some pics for you.
He looks fantastic! I am not an expert by any means, but I like what i see!! Such a well-collected little guy! Great job!Man, that little guy is just DETERMINED!!Good lord.![]()
I never did get around to posting any pictures of my Turbo, but I uploaded one or two yesterday just so I could post them. Here he is on his fourth single drive (he'd been out another three or four times in a pair arrangement) and the first time he really started to figure out how to use his neck at a trot.
A job well done!
Littlegoesalongway said:It's a promo video we put together for our local carriage driving assoc. Video of the little bay mini is my little guy, Rowdy, at his very first indoor carriage race, ...