Having just read through this entire post I must say this has turned into a lively post and I do like to see it shaken up around here at times. What I have noticed is that the majority is for gay marriage and equal rights for all. Higgs, although I don't agree with your viewpoints, I applaud you for speaking your mind and taking the heat for all the silent majority that haven't felt the need to speak up.
I have a problem with people quoting the bible word for word and taking it out of context without considering what other parts of the bible say. It is filled with so many contradictions and what is read in one section can be argued in another section. Without worrying all the time about being smitten, stoned or put unto death, I chose to live my life by the good things it says of forgiveness, loving one another as we love ourselves. My grandfather was sent as a missionary from England in 1904 and was a leading theologian of his time and is in several
Who's Who in America issues. As a child growing up with them living on our property, I never heard my grandparents say anything bad about anyone and always lived their lives from a perspective of love, caring, giving and acceptance of others. They were my role model of what a true christian is and I try to live my life as I was shown by them.
I am very much a liberal thinker and do agree that equal rights should be enjoyed by all and not select groups of people. Why can't we celebrate love and commitment without saying only men/women or whatever way someone wants to quantify it as. Why shouldn't gays have the right to adopt a child where they will be raised with loving parents. God knows there are so many heterosexuals out there raising children that have no right to be anywhere near a child. There are too many kids out there in foster homes that could benefit from loving parents if given the chance.
Jill- I firmly believe we should have a strong homeland security. My solution would be to get out of other countries where we have no business being. They don't want us there, will take our money and support then condemn us with the next breath. Fine, take all the money we are throwing away in other countries and use it here to make our country the world power it once was. Our infrastructure is falling apart while we build it up for other countries. Someone said earlier to take a month, heck, take a year or longer.
Gee, if Congress isn't fighting over what to be done in other countries, maybe it would have time to fix the things that are going wrong in our own country. Quite frankly, if other countries want to kill each other more power to them, less time to worry about bombing our country. It is time to put away partisan fighting and do the right thing to build a stronger America and take care of our own.
We don't "chose" our sexual orientation or even who we love. It comes wether we want it to or not. It is what it is. That said, I will now get of my soapbox.