Well-Known Member
Higgs...I do not think God makes "abominations" when He creates human beings. Why would He do this since we are all made in his image? It is FACT that gay people are BORN gay and not gay by CHOICE. I know this to be true, because I am a lesbian and I knew from childhood that I was attracted to women (and FYI I was raised Catholic, so from my birth I was raised in a strictly heterosexual household with no gay influences). BTW, my parents do not call me an "abomination" and ACCEPT me the way I am...and they are devout Catholics.
I do not feel that God would want you to judge people for the way they were born. Do you also judge people for the color skin they have, their birth defects, etc? They had no control over these things just as gay people have no control over the fact they are gay.
Off the religious soap box...While individual states are slowly making progress in allowing gay marriage and adoptions, I think that it should be made a FEDERAL law, because if you move out of the state you married in, your "LEGAL" paper is worthless in the state you moved to if it isn't legal there. My rights I have in Oregon are meaningless in Florida.
Adam I do hope you will be able to adopt a baby someday. I know you and Jason would make awesome parents.
I do not feel that God would want you to judge people for the way they were born. Do you also judge people for the color skin they have, their birth defects, etc? They had no control over these things just as gay people have no control over the fact they are gay.
Off the religious soap box...While individual states are slowly making progress in allowing gay marriage and adoptions, I think that it should be made a FEDERAL law, because if you move out of the state you married in, your "LEGAL" paper is worthless in the state you moved to if it isn't legal there. My rights I have in Oregon are meaningless in Florida.
Adam I do hope you will be able to adopt a baby someday. I know you and Jason would make awesome parents.

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