Gay marriage - taking a step away from progress

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Dr Taylor, may I ask why you are trying to expand this to polygamy and so on? I don't judge polygamists, heck there is a reality show on t.v. about such a family. I personally feel that I do not have the right to judge any adult (consenting adults) when it comes to marriage as we define it in our society. Notice I said consenting and adults. This issue boils down to people being uncomfortable and afraid of I don't know what. Do people who are opposed think that these unions are going to harm them personally or change their own beliefs? Religion is your own personal walk of faith that should NOT be pushed on those that do not have the same belief system. Nor should anyone, whether catholic, baptist, protestant, muslim, mormon, jehovah's witnesses, etc , be able to dictate other people's morales when those morales do not in anyway put the population of a society in danger. I believe in some culture that marriage between family members (cousin to cousin, etc) is encouraged. I may not agree with this but what direct effect does that have in my life?
I 100% support and am tolerant of those who's religion doesn't hurt others.

Why am I expected to be tolerant of a group who want to deny other human beings the same fundamental rights they themselves enjoy based solely on a few words written by some men 2000 years ago. If my thinking it's wrong to hate others based on your religion makes me intollerant. Then proudly intollerant stand I I'm not tolerant of ANY discrimination against gays, blacks, whites, people with mental and physical disabilities, people of different ethnic backgrounds etc. These are all thing that the people have no control over. You can't, if you're black, go to bed and wake up white. You can't if you're disabled, go to bed and wake up whole. You CAN choose, because of your religion, to be a bigot and if that bigotry causes intentional harm to another then "yes" I am intolerant of that.

Amen!! I stand with you!
" I 100% support and am tolerant of those who's religion doesn't hurt others.

Why am I expected to be tolerant of a group who want to deny other human beings the same fundamental rights they themselves enjoy based solely on a few words written by some men 2000 years ago. If my thinking it's wrong to hate others based on your religion makes me intollerant. Then proudly intollerant stand I I'm not tolerant of ANY discrimination against gays, blacks, whites, people with mental and physical disabilities, people of different ethnic backgrounds etc. These are all thing that the people have no control over. You can't, if you're black, go to bed and wake up white. You can't if you're disabled, go to bed and wake up whole. You can't if you're gay go to bed and wake up not gay. You CAN choose, because of your religion, to be a bigot and if that bigotry causes intentional harm to another then "yes" I am intolerant of that."

Great post
My concern with gay marriage is the slippery slope argument. If the arguments for gay marriage are love is love, stay out of people's bedroom/personal life, and it doesn't hurt anybody; then why wouldn't those arguments apply to the polygamist, or the parent/adult child

Dr Taylor
Pedophilia is a crime.

Polygamy is a crime.

Last time I heard, being gay was not a crime.
Polygamy in the days of the bible was not considered a crime, our societies have now made it a crime.
I probably owe an apology to those that don't agree with same sex marriage. It doesn't mean that I would ever turn my back on any of you if you were in peril or needed help or anything like that. I guess I am just a dreamer and have a profound wish, like each of you, that there would be no more wars, that hunger in the world didn't exist, that everyone was treated equally with understanding and compassion. That everyone felt safe and didn't need guns. Etc. I know, I am not a realist .... I just feel that we, the human race are our own worst enemiy. Maybe, just maybe things will get better but I feel like eventually we as humans will destroy ourselves. I am done with this subject.
Me thinks you all protest too much. Must have hit closer to home than you want to admit. Funny thing, that "tolerance".

Those who really don't know what I mean, Dr. Taylor's list of your own intolerant words a couple or so pages back is pretty comprehensive and directly from this very thread.
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I was truly hoping that my words would be taken as sincere and healing for all in this divide subject. I am sorry Jill that you don,t feel this way and had to further the negative on both sides. I guess the two years I was away from this forum for this very reason is still alive and well and is not going to stop anytime soon. Time to depart for good.
Oh, Danielle, I'm so sorry if me sticking to the opinion I honestly came by is an issue for you (dare I say, hard to tolerate?), but I am just reporting what I've observed. That's not furthering negativity, but it is calling out others' stances for what I truly see them to be.
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I cannot make any of you who are non-believers of the Bible believe the Bible if you don't want to learn more and it would take you months and years to fully understand it and God. If you ask me a question as a believer of God and the Bible I will as I have said before will try to answer you questions the best I can, although I am no expert on the Bible as my husband's late wife, Dorothy. She born and grew up a Morman and when she found out that it was a false religion, she was very angry. She spent the rest of her life reading everything she could about every religion, every scientific words and she came to the conclusion that God and what the Bible says is 100% true. Many of you might have read her daily words, she unfailingly wrote EVERY night on her web site, no matter what happened during the day even if her day was so filled up that she did this into the midnight hours..only to wake again at 5:00 am the next day to start all over again....If you knew Dorothy really well, you would know she knew her stuff and was telling the 100% truth. Of course again this was in her eyes and not your eyes. Everyone is different as it should be and we all believe in our own personally views. This is called "Faith"...I have faith in God, you might not have Faith in God, but in evolution. You might have faith of being an atheist or a Morman or Budha....this is your choice and my choice too..

Concerning the choice of same sex person's entering a relationship together I don't approve of because of my faith of God's words. But it is not my business to tell people what to do. If asked I will tell them what I believe and if not I will not. It is none of my business to judge them as only God will judge them. They are free to do what they want and I also can't tell the government what to do either, they do what they want to do....I have very good friends that have chosen this lifestyle and I love them dearly, do I approve no, do I judge them, no.

Here are just a few quote's from the Bible about homosexuality, but of course if you don't believe in the Bible, they will probably not mean anything to you, but for those who might have an open ear, you can read them here and many more in the Bible.

Leviticus 18:22 "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."

Leviticus 20:13: "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

1 Corinthians 6:9-10: "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters, nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."


As for believing the the world is young or old. I believe it is young, 6000 years. I have found a youtube video you may or may not choose to watch. This man is a chemist and shows you that things are not what they seem. Of course many of you will not believe him, that he is wacko, that is your choice, but how much of what he said can you counter against. I and you will all be judged by God in the end. If GOD really does exist, would you want to be in a new earth with no death, hatred, diseases, etc. or would you choose living in a place that you can't even begin to imagine the amount of pain you will feel for eternity? I choose God...
default_smile.png my husband explains to people who have doubts about God.."he says well if there really is no God, you will feel nothing and just be worm poop, but if there is a God and the Bible is true, I sure would rather be saved in heaven for eternity than in heck for's your choice, but it's pretty obvious to me!"..can you really take that chance that God, Heaven and heck does not exist?

Blessing to you,

If GOD really does exist, would you want to be in a new earth with no death, hatred, diseases, etc. or would you choose living in a place that you can't even begin to imagine the amount of pain you will feel for eternity?

Hi Jenny,

sure glad the things I believe in don't have to threaten and terrorize people into believing in them ;)

Thanks for sharing your beliefs though. I hope you find peace.
Hi Jenny,

sure glad the things I believe in don't have to threaten and terrorize people into believing in them ;)

Thanks for sharing your beliefs though. I hope you find peace.
If your referring to the old Testament, then yes there are a lot of horrible things that happened, but you need explainations of why those things happened....I hope you find your way to Heaven. I will and have already found my peace

I will and have already found my peace
That's what life is all about.

Just remember that peace you have found if you're ever asked to vote on gay marriage. I'm sure there are a lot of gay people would love to to feel that same peace by being married to the person they want to spend the rest of their lives with...just like you are your husband have been able to do.

Thank you so much for your previous postings. As someone who believes in their heart as you do I just wanted to say you did the right thing before this thread gets closed (and no doubt it will). I know that you have "the peace that passes all understanding." Rather than go through words of offensive and defensive maneuvers here you have chosen to walk in the Spirit and because you do the fruits of the Spirit are evident in you.

Galations 5:22-26 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.

The truth is before actually becoming a Christian I used to actually consider myself a Christian because I went to church, was baptized as child, and all the usual things that would make me not fit the bill of "a bad person." But the fact of the matter was that I was no more of a Christian than people who are openly bashing the Bible (and by the way if YOU want to see what a good orator The Father of ALL Lies is you can see it at .

I am so glad God did not give up on me. Satan had me pretty convinced that I was not salvageable. He lied.

He is a good liar but not good enough to convince me that I should support gay life style. I no longer will fall into the trap of believing his lies about adultery and fornication either. I am not giving up my future mansion in Paradise for that. Well, gotta go read some Bible. I tend to get a bit rusty when I let me Bible get dusty. Love ya'll all!
before this thread gets closed (and no doubt it will).
I don't think it will be closed. Sure it may be a controversial topic but seems people are just posting their thoughts without getting personal

I don't understand, perhaps I'm just so naive and think everyone should love and embrace everyone else, how you can sit back all smug and righteous in being "saved" when you're judging gay people because of your religion.

You do know that in the bible god not only killed but bragged about killing over - ALMOST 2 MILLION 500 thousand. How many did the make believe satan kill....wait for it...TEN, yes 10 just 10 oh and god dared him to do it lol. Not sure who'd I'd be more worried about lol.
Miniwhinny (a/k/a Ozy), did you realize God is a name and should be capitalized? Or do you know it, but are just deliberately being antagonistic to those of faith (again... year after year, post after post)?
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Miniwhinny (a/k/a Ozy), did you realize God is a name and should be capitalized? Or do you know it, but are just deliberately being antagonistic to those of faith (again... year after year, post after post)?
HAY YOU TWO... don't make me pull this car over!

That was just in case you have me pictured as "church lady" on Saturday Night Live.
Laughter is good for the soul! And don't make me right about this getting closed. Maybe it will help some people decide what they support (not to be confused with judging others).
HAY YOU TWO... don't make me pull this car over!

That was just in case you have me pictured as "church lady" on Saturday Night Live.
Laughter is good for the soul! And don't make me right about this getting closed. Maybe it will help some people decide what they support (not to be confused with judging others).
lol love it
I've been pretty much staying away from this topic for a few reasons:

A: I don't really care what homophobes have to say and am comfortable with myself

B: Gay marriage is legal here (yay, Canada)

C: I don't like the silly religious arguments...they are annoying.

But...I'll give my two cents
. Before I came out at 20, I would go to bed every night and pray to "God" to make me straight. I had a girlfriend. I was trying to please everyone but myself. I am so thankful I ended that relationship, didn't marry her, have kids. Being gay is not a choice. It occurs in many many species in nature. It is normal. Furthermore, I am now so thankful to have been born gay; it has made me more accepting of others...

I live my life by the adage, "do unto others as you'd have done to you". It's very simple. Treat others the way you want to be treated. I think that, if there is a "God", he/she/it would want us to just be kind to each other and help each other. Why do people make things so difficult?! I could go on about the evils of religion....but I'll stop there lol
Well it is apparent those that are against gays didnt read my post. Its not a life you can ever understand if you havent lived it. I can however swear on the life of my daughter it isnt a life that I have chosen, it was decided for me, and I fought against it for years, and because of society I occasionally try to do so again here and there.

The fact that some people on here, can lump me in with sex offenders, molesters and others of the sort literally makes me want to puke. There is no way I am anything like a child molester.
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