I need help,,,suggestions,,please!!

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I'm not much help however PLEASE keep us posted! Sending many good thoughts, I'm so sorry Carolyn ..... hoping its nothing to serious
O M G. She was shot. A perfect round hole the size a little bigger than a nickle on her left rear. I still can't believe it, I can't believe it. We only found it when we went to steady her rump to take her temp and a little blood was on my hand, there wasn't much blood at all. It hit all muscle and did not go in far.

Called a friend from the sheriffs department, it probably traveled some distance or a low powered rifle, no further than it penatrated. He talked to a few neighbors but no one heard or saw a thing. Deer season opened here yesterday I think. Come to think of it, it was dusk.

Vet gave her a local, removed the "slug"?, cleaned it out good, gave her antibiotics for 10 days. She is up and moving, pain medication is working.

Explains the fast part, guessing the shock of her body being hit is why she was stagering.

Right now she just needs to heal and watch for infection.

I am so taken back. When the vet said she had been shot, I just started shaking.

Obviously I need to do more for their protection. I have seen hunters around, but across the road, north about 200 yards back in the tree-fence line.

She is standing, munching on hay right now, I may go in to warm up and get a drink.

Thank you all!!!! Wheewwww

That is one thing that scares the CR** out of me. We own everything behind us but that doesn't always deter trespassers.
So scary but so glad she'll be ok

Who would have thought, thank God it didn't hit her somewhere different

or do more damage

Poor girl

Hope you feel a little better now too

Makes you made people are so careless
When I calm down I'll probably be mad,,,it just could of been so much worst. Me, my son, a worst place than her rear, one of the many people who use this road to walk for exercise. Oh geeze.

But it didn't, so we'll just drink for now. Geeze

Oh, I said "slug" as I do not know, Nathan took it and will let me know in the next few days.
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OMG......I'm so glad Prints is OK, Carolyn!

As I was reading thru all the responses....I was thinking (wondering) if maybe she could have been shot. I know deer season is in right now & I hear gunshots everywhere! We do have men that we've given permission to hunt on our farm & woods....but they are very aware of our horses and where they are, and not to hunt anywhere close to that area!

Actually....I bagged a HUGE 10-point buck myself a couple weeks ago. Right on the hood of my brand new SUV!
Wiped out the entire front end of the SUV...over $7,000 damage! The deer are really running everywhere right now. It's "rut" season, the farmers are taking the crops off the fields, and the hunters are out. This all contributes to deer running, and so many deer strikes on the road. Just yesterday, I came within INCHES of hitting another one with the rental car I'm using until my Honda is fixed!
It's a JUNGLE out there! There are LOTS of hunters out right now.....so do anything you can to protect your horses!! I've heard of some people who actually paint big orange X's on the sides of their horses to alert hunters that they are NOT deer!
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I am sooooo glad that it has all turned out well even though it is a horrible thing that she was shot. West Nile, EPM, all those rotten neurological diseases had gone through my mind and this is a much better thing - at least she can heal fairly easily. You may want to look into getting reflective vests for your horses though if there is hunting activity near you and perhaps keep the horses close to the barn, if that is possible, till hunt season is over. Again, sooooo sorry your horse was injured but still glad of the outcome.
She was at the barn. When I first saw her down, she wasn't 8 feet from the barn. Nathan(deputy) said she wasn't the first horse/cow to be shot by a stray bullet. He suggested flying orange flags, about 6 of them, 6 foot above the top of the barn, to alert any hunters at a distance. Guess what I'm buying tomorrow?
Oh, that is so strange. We were just talking about that possibility yesterday when we were at a lesson and could see hunters in the state game lands next door and hear lots of shots nearby. I said I hope they know there are animals and people here.

That is so scary, some folks should not be given the right to use a gun. They have to realize where their bullet can end up if they are not absolutely sure where they are shooting.

I am so glad that you found it so quickly and she can now be comfortable and heal.

We will be praying for peace and rest for BOTH of you!
So glad she is ok.
Our neighbor's horse was shot a couple of weeks ago, same senario, didn't do too much damage, but I've been paraniod ever since. In our case, we think it was the guy that lives behind our neighbor who likes to shoot birds off the phone wires
I worry about getting shot when we go up in the hills. I shouldn't as it is a congested area. People are not supposed to be shooting. But they do. I can't belive someone actually shot your horse!
What is wrong with people that they can't wait and actually see what they are shooting at. I am glad she will be ok.
Please realize a little 22/ read on the box/ can travel 1760 yards! or 17 football fields.. now you need to identify the slug/ bullet that came from her hip and figure out was this a 300? 30.06? 7mm? these can travel farther! believe me- I know it first hand, was hitting the ground last year from some idiot shooting far from here, but his bullets were in my front yard whizzing by my head. he was found by the DOW and sheriffs dept to be trespassing and they nailed him big time. and another guy was shooting/ not knowing it/ at a building inspector and the home owner last year too. sounds weird. but you need to make a big home made sign at your drive way and say ATTN HUNTERS. One of my horses was accidently shot by a stray bullet, please be aware of the direction you are shooting! and post them at corners around you too, like at stop signs. you get my point. If you drive down any of our side roads here, you will see all kind of signs neighbors have to put up during rifle season. Also, find out who owns the properties around you and let them know what happened and if they are allowing hunters to notify them about the accident.

you can look at http://www.larrywillis.com/trajectory.html this can help you understand how far bullets can travel/ drops at various yard markings.
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I am going out tomorrow with a flyer and passing out, leaving it at the neighbors. Will also get the houses across the fields at the next roads, and plan to give it to the walkers as well.

Prints still has a gimp, but is better than 3 hours ago. The hole looks good, will try and get a picture of it tomorrow. She doesn't looked near as shocked as she did either, has relaxed some.

So now I need to do the same. Thanks again so much and for all the safety tips.

Dona, I hope you weren't hurt?
Please realize a little 22/ read on the box/ can travel 1760 yards! or 17 football fields.. now you need to identify the slug/ bullet that came from her hip and figure out was this a 300? 30.06? 7mm? these can travel farther! believe me- I know it first hand, was hitting the ground last year from some idiot shooting far from here, but his bullets were in my front yard whizzing by my head. he was found by the DOW and sheriffs dept to be trespassing and they nailed him big time. and another guy was shooting/ not knowing it/ at a building inspector and the home owner last year too. sounds weird. but you need to make a big home made sign at your drive way and say ATTN HUNTERS. One of my horses was accidently shot by a stray bullet, please be aware of the direction you are shooting! and post them at corners around you too, like at stop signs. you get my point. If you drive down any of our side roads here, you will see all kind of signs neighbors have to put up during rifle season. Also, find out who owns the properties around you and let them know what happened and if they are allowing hunters to notify them about the accident. you can look at http://www.larrywillis.com/trajectory.html this can help you understand how far bullets can travel/ drops at various yard markings.
Carolyn, please correct me if I am wrong, but rifles aren't allowed to be used for hunting in Indiana, Correct? My brother lives there, and whether it is just the county he is in or the entire state. i'm not sure, but he said he can only use a shotgun, anything else is prohibited due to the large open spaces. None the less, with a slug in the casing it can still be launched quite a distance.
We have shooters on small acreage around us too, and it always worries me. Not enough deer in our area to hunt but lots of bird hunters, although what they shoot with doesn't travel the distance of a high powered deer rifle. Glad she wasn't injured more seriously....and that it wasn't you or your family!

I don't know, I don't know much about it, but when it comes to private property, people use what they want, what they have.
Carolyn I am so glad it wasn't any worse. Thankfully the vet found the bullet. We are far enough back that we don't have the problem of hunters and we back up to a State Park . We do have a shooting range a few miles from us but there is a very high burm (sp) that stops the bullets. Guns scare the heck out of me and I can only imagine the mentality of hunters at this time of year. Common sense just seems to go out the window!

Give Prints loads of love and some extra treats tonight.

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