Over 30 babies in eight weeks!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2004
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[SIZE=10pt]Hint 1. About half of the babies are about eight weeks old. :flirt: [/SIZE]

Hint 2. The other half are about three days old. :517:

Hint 3. They all have the same momma. :new_shocked:

Sorry Corinne - you cant play - you'll probably guess the answer!!
THATS NOT FAIR!! Can I at least give you a hint?? Did you take some of "these" home from my house a few weeks back? ...and return something today they could use??? Corinne
birds...or mice...possibly a prolific cat :new_shocked:
[SIZE=10pt]Hee hee - no one has guessed yet!
: Corinne - you have me confused - I have taken LOTS of stuff home from your place - but I cant think of what I brought over today that any thing could use...


[SIZE=10pt]Oh I get it now Corinne!! Nooo - thats not it eather ( heaven forbid ). This is too fun - but some one is bound to guess soon and then the game is over.
Lori..you had foals on your mind when you were over
: another hint???Mike left it sit on in my family room, by the fireplace. COME ON NOW!!! :bgrin Corinne
OMG I just thought of something else it could be...would "Momma" be something I am more then willing to pet and I think she is cute, but REFUSE to hold her???
[SIZE=10pt] Corinne - I didnt see where he put that thing today...
: Doesnt any one want to try any more guesses? I have over 30 babies!!! :risa8:
: I just wish I had one of these instead! :xbud: ( A baby that is. )

OMG I just thought of something else it could be...would "Momma" be something I am more then willing to pet and I think she is cute, but REFUSE to hold her???
[SIZE=14pt]NOPE! [/SIZE]
OMG I just thought of something else it could be...would "Momma" be something I am more then willing to pet and I think she is cute, but REFUSE to hold her???

OK, I was thinking baby fish, but I guess not.

a hint? Fur, feather, fins?
OMG I just thought of something else it could be...would "Momma" be something I am more then willing to pet and I think she is cute, but REFUSE to hold her???

OK, I was thinking baby fish, but I guess not.

a hint? Fur, feather, fins?
[SIZE=12pt]You guessed it SMHSueC and Dr. Pam - babie fish! Millions fish - better known as guppies to be axact! I know - not very exiting babie's - but this game was sure fun! [/SIZE]

OMG I just thought of something else it could be...would "Momma" be something I am more then willing to pet and I think she is cute, but REFUSE to hold her???

OK, I was thinking baby fish, but I guess not.

a hint? Fur, feather, fins?
heehee that was my next thought.......ok 15 babies that are 8 weeks and another 15 at 3 days.....so we have a gestation/incubation of 53 days or less if rebred on the day of original birth/hatch........a rabbit could pull this off time wise 32 days but that would be one heck of alot of babies :new_shocked: most birds incubate for 28 days give or take......possibly a reptile of some sort but I will be darned if I can remember incubation length off the top of my head right now......

willing to pet but refuse to hold....hmmmmm ....not many things other than fish that fit this for me........
haha..Lori, I was so sure is was going to be your white rat! That is what I will pet but wont hold---just dont like those tails
: . Mike left my bird cage in the family room, when you came over. SOOOOO---how many guppies do I get?? ...lol.... Are these the ones from Tonya? Where is a picture, now that you had us all guessing! Corinne
I took pictures today of the tank with the babies - as I figured - you cant spot them...unless you look up at the top...


Here is one of my step daughter and our 55 gallon. Sorry so large! :eek:

I have had the SAME thing over here!!! I had to set up a whole new tank just for babies so that the adults had enough room, not just guppys but mollys too. I am goin to see if the local fish store wants some of ours because i am getting over run!
Came into this late.....but in general I guessed right! FISH! :lol:

[SIZE=12pt]I was thinking fish the entire time I read this post![/SIZE]

Sure was a great guessing game!

We raise Canaries, and from just ONE of my best breeding hens...have a Month old chick, 3 two week old chicks, and she is on eggs agian! Talk about QUICK gestation!

I can see the guppie babies great! We used to raise them!!
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Lori, nice picture of Kellie
: and yup, I will redo my 65 hex and get it ready for guppies, you do realize this means I have to put up another tank now...dont you?? I'm down to just a few goldfish...(but I still know I NEED some of those panda goldfish) and my huge placostamus (sp) my room is going to look like a pet shop soon! :bgrin We never did get our cordon blues or gouldians! How many hundreds do you have as of today?

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